January 5, 2017

One Word 2017

Happy 2017! Have you had to write it out yet? Me neither, and I can guarantee I'll forget when the time comes.

It's the the first week of the new year and everyone is posting their resolutions and what habits they should change for the upcoming months. This year I'm doing things a little different,I'm taking it slow. I came across the idea of focusing on one word that would help me better myself. A word that I would constantly be saying in the back of my mind for encouragement to get me through each day. This is my first year doing this and to be honest it didn't take much time to think about what word I needed the most.

All my life I have taken things too seriously and too close to heart. I wear my heart on my sleeves and this is something that I pride myself on BUT sometimes it can get out of hand. I'm wanting to work on my approach with how I begin to handle certain situations. I can't take criticism well and honestly, start to break down when stressful times arise. I'm not big on setting resolutions, mainly because I can never make a decision on what "needs work" so my resolutions aren't realistic. This year, is simplified but I have a feeling it will have a greater outcome. This year I want to be able to handle stressful moments that happen in my day to day. For the most part I do an alright job, but when it become overwhelming I tend to store it inside and finally I burst at the wrong moment and it becomes a messy sight to see. For everyone involved.

For the sake of everyone around me I want to be able to handle my stress better and with an open mind, no matter the situation. I simply need to take a moment and breathe. I tend to get over stressed about the everyday hustle and bustle and forget to remind myself that most of the "things" I'm stressed out about are out of my control. Stop stressing the little things, and just stay calm and tell myself "it's all okay."

I'm excited to see where this takes me. Stay tuned.
Happy new year, you guys!

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  1. This is an awesome post! Great way of starting the new year!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm trying my best, hopefully this year it sticks!

  2. Great word choice!! I actually have some woodwork on my desk that spells out breathe. Happy 2017!

    1. Oh thats a good idea!! I might have to borrow that idea. I plan on writing the word on some paper and putting them places around the house. Like the car, bathroom, nightstand, and kitchen sink.

  3. That's a great word!! Mine is "open" for this year!

  4. First, I absolutely LOVE the name of your blog! Second, you are seriously adorable and I love the sweater you are wearing in the photos! Breathe is such an amazing word choice and so important to remember ♥

  5. Steph, this is such a great post to kick off the New Year! Absolutely LOVE that photo collage, it's so expressive and cute!

    Lexi of Lex Be Livin’


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