February 1, 2016


This month I want to start something new with setting goals for myself each month. Hopefully this will continue through the rest of the year. 

1. Start every morning with my coffee & Jesus. This is something that I already do in the morning and want to continue. It's so important to me to start my day off with the right mindset.  

2. Drink a gallon of h2o daily. Yes an entire gallon!!! I do not drink enough water during the day so I am setting my goals high and not looking back! This is going to be a tough goal but I have faith I can do it. Check out my infused waters here for some inspiration! 

3. Learn how to knit. I love chunky blankets and I especially love the knitted ones. I am having trouble finding the perfect thickness and color for our bedroom so I have just decided to learn how to make one on my own. 

4. Workout at home. I have a gym membership, but I find myself not going because it's too packed or it's too cold out. Plus I don't use any heavy machines while I'm there so it's really silly for me to have a membership. So I plan on canceling this week and starting a workout routine I can accomplish here at home. So I will not be able to come up with any excuse not to workout.

5. Less coffee, more tea. I know, I know this one is probably going to be impossible, I mean, I got this?  Coffee is my lifeline and without it I'm not sure what I would do. But tea is a healthier alternative so I will slowly try to make the switch.... maybe. 

6. Do something sweet for Dennis. I am truly such a lucky lady to be blessed with my hunk. He does so much for me and I plan to come up with a little surprise to show him just how special he really is to me. 

7. Keep up with the laundry. This is a constant battle here at home. Like most things I like to do them myself so they get done a certain way. (I'm crazy, I know) More simply put, I don't allow Dennis to do the laundry... unless it's towel....you can't mess that up. Knock on wood. I think I hate laundry so much because I know it will never ever be finished and I will be stuck with it forever. 

8. Call my parents more. Living 3 hours away from my family it tough, especially since my baby sister is getting married and planning her wedding. My nephew is 3 and growing up so fast, and I'm missing it all. I need to make more of an effort to show the ones I love the most how much they mean to me by calling them more and letting them know I miss them. 

9. No more alcohol. This makes me sound like an alcoholic and I'm not, but I am trying to get in shape and the few glasses of wine here and there isn't helping. So "CHEERS" to more water and goodbye to my wine glass for the month!

10. Eat more salads, less pizza. I mean, who doesn't like pizza? I have been really good at cooking dinners lately, but I have burnt a few meal and Dennis graciously ate ALL OF IT!! Did I mention how sweet he is? So my self-esteem in the kitchen hasn't been very high and we have had a few to much pizza this week.... oops. 

Thanks for stopping by! Are you making any goals for the new month? If so I would love to hear all about them, big or small! 

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